Outline of geography

The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to geography:

Geography – science that studies the lands, features, inhabitants, and phenomena of Earth.[1]

Nature of geography

Geography is

Etymology of geography

Etymology of "geography": from Greek γεωγραφία - geographia, lit. "earth describe-write"[3]

Branches of geography

As "the bridge between the human and physical sciences," geography is divided into two main branches:

Other branches include:

All the branches are further described below...

Physical geography

Fields of physical geography

Approaches of physical geography

Human geography

Fields of human geography

  1. Authority - limits of accessibility to certain places or domains placed on individuals by owners or authorities
  2. Capability - limitations on the movement of individuals, based on their nature. For example, movement is restricted by biological factors, such as the need for food, drink, and sleep
  3. Coupling - restraint of an individual, anchoring him or her to a location while interacting with other individuals in order to complete a task

Approaches of human geography

Integrated geography


Fields contributing to geomatics

Regional geography

Regional geography – study of world regions. Attention is paid to unique characteristics of a particular region such as its natural elements, human elements, and regionalization which covers the techniques of delineating space into regions. Regional geography breaks down into the study of specific regions.

Region – an area, defined by physical characteristics, human characteristics, or functional characteristics. The term is used in various ways among the different branches of geography. A region can be seen as a collection of smaller units, such as a country and its political divisions, or as one part of a larger whole, as in a country on a continent.


Main article: List of supercontinents

A supercontinent is a landmass comprising more than one continental core, or craton.


A continent is one of several large landmasses on Earth. They are generally identified by convention rather than any specific criteria, but seven areas are commonly regarded as continents. They are:

1. Africa   (outline) –
2. Antarctica
3. Australia   (outline) –
The Americas:
4. North America   (outline) –
5. South America   (outline) –
6. Europe   (outline) –
7. Asia   (outline) –

Subregion (list)

Biogeographic regions

Main article: Ecozone

The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) developed a system of eight biogeographic realms (ecozones):

Main article: Ecoregion

Ecozones are further divided into ecoregions. The World has over 800 terrestrial ecoregions. See Lists of ecoregions by country.

Geography of the political divisions of the World

Other regions

History of geography

Main articles: History of geography and Historical geography

Topics pertaining to the geographical study of the World throughout history:

By period

By region

By subject

By field

Elements of geography

Topics common to the various branches of geography include:

Tasks and tools of geography

Main articles: Geosophy and Philosophy of geography

Types of geographic features

Geographic feature – component of a planet that can be referred to as a location, place, site, area, or region, and therefore may show up on a map. A geographic feature may be natural or man-made.

Location and place

Natural geographic features

Natural geographic feature – an ecosystem or natural landform.



Natural landforms

Natural landform – terrain or body of water. Landforms are topographical elements, and are defined by their surface form and location in the landscape. Landforms are categorized by traits such as elevation, slope, orientation, stratification, rock exposure, and soil type. Some landforms are man-made, such as artificial islands, but most landforms are natural.

Natural terrain feature types

Natural body of water types

Man-made geographic features

Man-made geographic feature – a thing that was made by humans that may be indicated on a map. It may be physical and exist in the real world (like a bridge or city), or it may be abstract and exist only on maps (such as the Equator, which has a defined location, but cannot be seen where it lies).

Geographic features that include the natural and man-made

Geography awards

Some awards and competitions in the field of geography:

Persons influential in geography

A geographer is a scientist who studies Earth's physical environment and human habitat. Geographers are historically known for making maps, the subdiscipline of geography known as cartography. They study the physical details of the environment and also its impact on human and wildlife ecologies, weather and climate patterns, economics, and culture. Geographers focus on the spatial relationships between these elements.

Influential physical geographers

Influential human geographers

Geography educational frameworks

Educational frameworks upon which primary and secondary school curricula for geography are based upon include:

See also


  1. ^ "Geography". The American Heritage Dictionary/ of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Houghton Mifflin Company. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/geography. Retrieved October 9, 2006. 
  2. ^ Bonnett, Alastair What is Geography? London, Sage, 2008
  3. ^ "Online Etymology Dictionary". Etymonline.com. http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?term=geography. Retrieved 2009-04-17. 
  4. ^ http://web.clas.ufl.edu/users/morgans/lecture_2.prn.pdf
  5. ^ "1(b). Elements of Geography". Physicalgeography.net. http://www.physicalgeography.net/fundamentals/1b.html. Retrieved 2009-04-17. 
  6. ^ Fundamentals of Physical Geography, 2nd Edition, by M. Pidwirny, 2006
  7. ^ a b "What is geography?". AAG Career Guide: Jobs in Geography and related Geographical Sciences. Association of American Geographers. Archived from the original on October 6, 2006. http://web.archive.org/web/20061006152742/http://www.aag.org/Careers/What_is_geog.html. Retrieved October 9, 2006. 
  8. ^ Martiny JBH et al. Microbial biogeography: putting microorganisms on the map Nature: FEBRUARY 2006 | VOLUME 4
  9. ^ Climate Prediction Center. Climate Glossary. Retrieved on 2006-11-23.
  10. ^ Ronald Amundsen. "Soil Preservation and the Future of Pedology" (PDF). http://natres.psu.ac.th/Link/SoilCongress/bdd/symp45/75-t.pdf. Retrieved 2006-06-08. 
  11. ^ Wu, J. 2006. Cross-disciplinarity, landscape ecology, and sustainability science. Landscape Ecology 21:1-4.
  12. ^ Wu, J. and R. Hobbs (Eds). 2007. Key Topics in Landscape Ecology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  13. ^ Wu, J. 2008. Landscape ecology. In: S. E. Jorgensen (ed), Encyclopedia of Ecology. Elsevier, Oxford.
  14. ^ Jordan-Bychkov, Terry G.; Domosh, Mona; Rowntree, Lester (1994). The human mosaic: a thematic introduction to cultural geography. New York: HarperCollinsCollegePublishers. ISBN 978-0-06-500731-2. 
  15. ^ Delgado de Carvalho, C.M. (1962). The geography of languages. In Wagner, P.L.; Mikesell, M.W. Readings in cultural geography. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 75-93.
  16. ^ Pei, M. (1966). Glossary of linguistic terminology. New York: John Wiley.
  17. ^ Trudgill, P. (1974). Linguistic change and diffusion: description and explanation in sociolinguistic dialect geography. Language in Society 3:2, 215-46.
  18. ^ Trudgill, P. (1983). On dialect: social and geographical perspectives. Oxford: Basil Blackwell; New York: New York University Press.
  19. ^ Trudgill, P. (1975). Linguistic geography and geographical linguistics. Progress in Geography 7, 227-52
  20. ^ Withers, Charles W.J. [1981] (1993). Johnson, R.J. The Dictionary of Human Geography, Gregory, Derek; Smith, David M., Second edition, Oxford: Blackwell, 252-3.
  21. ^ Constructing tourism landscapes – gender, sexuality and space by Pritchard A. & Morgan N. J. Tourism Geographies, Volume 2, Number 2, 1 May 2000 , pp. 115-139(25)
  22. ^ Syllabus Poetics: Sexuality and Space in 17th - 19th Century American Literature, University at Buffalo
  23. ^ Space and Modern (Homo)sexuality in Tsai Ming Liang's Films by Lyn Van Swol
  24. ^ Sexuality and Space, Course Syllabus Towson University
  25. ^ Park, Chris (2004). "Religion and geography". In Hinnells, J. Routledge Companion to the Study of Religion. Routledge. 
  26. ^ "Recommending Social Events from Mobile Phone Location Data", Daniele Quercia, et al., ICDM 2010
  27. ^ Harrison, Paul; 2006; "Post-structuralist Theories"; pp122-135 in Aitken, S. and Valentine, G. (eds); 2006; Approaches to Human Geography; Sage, London
  28. ^ Squires, G. Ed. Urban Sprawl: Causes, Consequences, & Policy Responses. The Urban Institute Press (2002)
  29. ^ Henry Petroski (2006). Levees and Other Raised Ground. 94. American Scientist. pp. 7–11. 
  30. ^ a b Avraham Ariel, Nora Ariel Berger (2006)."Plotting the globe: stories of meridians, parallels, and the international". Greenwood Publishing Group. p.12. ISBN 0275988953
  31. ^ Jennifer Fandel (2006)."The Metric System". The Creative Company. p.4. ISBN 1583414304
  32. ^ Akbar S. Ahmed (1984). "Al-Beruni: The First Anthropologist", RAIN 60, p. 9-10.
  33. ^ H. Mowlana (2001). "Information in the Arab World", Cooperation South Journal 1.
  34. ^ S. P. Scott (1904) – History of the Moorish Empire, pp. 461-2:
    The compilation of Edrisi marks an era in the history of science. Not only is its historical information most interesting and valuable, but its descriptions of many parts of the earth are still authoritative. For three centuries geographers copied his maps without alteration. The relative position of the lakes which form the Nile, as delineated in his work, does not differ greatly from that established by Baker and Stanley more than seven hundred years afterwards, and their number is the same.
  35. ^ Guidelines for Geographic Education—Elementary and Secondary Schools. Joint Committee on Geographic Education of the National Council for Geographic Education and the Association of American Geographers, 1984.
  36. ^ "The National Geography Standards". http://www.studentsfriend.com/onhist/ngs.html. Retrieved November 6, 2010. 
  37. ^ "National Geography Standards". http://www.ncge.org/i4a/pages/index.cfm?pageid=3314. Retrieved November 6, 2010. 
  38. ^ Richard G Boehm, Roger M Downs, Sarah W Bednarz. Geography for Life: National Geography Standards. National Council for Geographic Education, 1994
  39. ^ Geography Framework for the 2010 National Assessment of Educational Progress. National Assessment Governing Board, U.S. Department of Education, p. vii:
    It focuses on what geography students should know to be competent and productive 21st century citizens, and uses three content areas for assessing the outcomes of geography education. These content areas are Space and Place, Environment and Society, and Spatial Dynamics and Connections.

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